Helping You Pursue The Most Rewarding & Fulfilling Career

Modern recruitment Vs. Classical recruitment

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Modern recruitment Vs. Classical recruitment

Finding new talent in the market is incredibly difficult. Although HR managers have tried different methods of recruitment such as classical recruitment and modern recruitment in order to find the best possible candidates for their organizations.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamModern recruitment Vs. Classical recruitment
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How to get interviews in the biggest companies in the world and how to overcome the career challenges

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How to get interviews in the biggest companies in the world?

Hello Abdelrahman, It’s a pleasure having you today as a guest to help Arab talents in their careers through your experience.

1- First tell us how you got all of these interviews at all these major companies till you reached your position now in Amazon?

  • Thank you for the opportunity, I hope to add a value to help talents. First I joined Ain Shams University, Computer Science in 2006 and graduated in 2010. Along the years in between, I had many interviews in the biggest companies in the software industry, the first one was with Microsoft in late 2008, 8 months after, I had an interview at Google and I didn’t pass in any of them. Then I had an interview with Facebook, and again I didn’t pass. Another one in Microsoft and I didn’t pass, then again with Google, and I didn’t pass. And in late 2010, I had the last interview during my college years with Facebook and I didn’t pass that either.
CAREERY Content Marketing TeamHow to get interviews in the biggest companies in the world and how to overcome the career challenges
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CAREERY and STAY STRONG Announce Partnership

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We at Careery have a big vision and a bold strategic destination!

As we strongly believe in the power of WE over the power of ME, we know for sure that, with the right alignment, we can reach our goals faster. And with strength-based partnerships, we will be able to access a broader range of experience and provide top notch services.

So we are happy to announce our partnership with STAY STRONG.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamCAREERY and STAY STRONG Announce Partnership
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An Expert Reveals How Egyptian Talents Can Survive The Economic Crisis in 2017

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How Egyptian Talents Can Survive The Economic Crisis in 2017

Omar El-Shenety is the founder of Multiples Group; a Dubai based boutique investment bank with private equity and investment banking practices, focusing on the MENA region. Also he has been working extensively on analyzing the key economic issues facing the Middle East region with focus on Egypt, trying to analyze economic issues and offering insights. El-Shenety periodically publishes economic articles in different newspapers as well as his personal blog. In this blog we will discus with Mr. Omar how Egyptian talents can Survive the economic crisis in 2017

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamAn Expert Reveals How Egyptian Talents Can Survive The Economic Crisis in 2017
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كاريري تفتح آفاقًا أرحب بخمس خدمات جديدة

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تحديات كبيره في مجال التوظيف في منطقة الخليج

أتستغرق الكثير من الوقت لتجد الموظف الملائم لوظيفة شاغرة لديك؟

هل تظن أن لا مجال من إيجاد الشخص المناسب لأن جميع الكفاءات لا تعرف عن شركتك ما يكفي؟

هل حدث أن عيّنت موظفًا رائعًا من الجانب التقني، لكنه ليس مناسبًا بما يكفي لثقافة شركتك أو لبيئة العمل؟

هل عانيت من قبل رفض المئات من السير الذاتية والعشرات من المقابلات الشخصية، أو لاحظت أن أكثر من ثلث المتقدمين لا يحضرون للمقابلة الشخصية من الأساس؟

هل واجهت خطر عدم ولاء الموظفين أو تشعر أن موظفيك ليسوا سعداء في عملهم بما يكفي أو أن معدل دوران العمالة لديك عاليًا؟

CAREERY Content Marketing Teamكاريري تفتح آفاقًا أرحب بخمس خدمات جديدة
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Careery opens new horizons with new 5 services

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Market Challenges

Have you thought that it takes a long time to find your best fit candidate?

Have you felt that your potential candidates pool doesn’t know your company?

Have you ever hired the best technical candidate, but suffered later from the negative attitude or being misfit for your company culture?

Have you experienced rejecting tens of interviews or noticed that your company has more than 30% no-show-up rate?

Do you feel that you are in employee disengagement risk & your company turnover rate is high?

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamCareery opens new horizons with new 5 services
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An Expert Reveals How Arab Talents Can Join LinkedIn Team


The Future of Arab Talents

Welcome Mohamed, we – CAREERY for Talent Services- are super excited to talk with you today.

We are here to engage talent speedily to great business opportunities in this short life!

We aim at reshaping the career & future of talents in the GCC through a lot of initiatives like this

Would love to thank you for this contribution & extreme support.

Mohammed ElwaziryAn Expert Reveals How Arab Talents Can Join LinkedIn Team
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The Dilemma of Long CVs !

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Change your mindset and think like a recruiter.

Many people, especially executives and professionals, have powerful CVs. Their CVs are usually well designed, professional looking and some pages long. Those people try to include all the details about their masterly expertise.

Some even go beyond the ordinary and mention everything about their professional life that the CVs turn out as long as nine pages!

Mohamed TammamThe Dilemma of Long CVs !
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Why your social profile might be destroying your career

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Now social media has invaded everything, including recruitment. That’s why LinkedIn (the professional network) has been the biggest network for recruitment and that made other hiring websites like Wuzzuf in Egypt, Bayt and Monster Gulf in the GCC be few of many leading websites in career advancement & recruitment. There are more than 6.5 Million job listings on LinkedIn in 2016.  [1]

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamWhy your social profile might be destroying your career
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