CAREERY Content Marketing Team

Why are my employees freelancing?

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It is a valid question, why would anyone leave the security and benefits of a steady job, to risk fluctuating payment and an unknown future?

Internet has given us a shortcut to everything around us, we could communicate with people across the world, and work with people miles and miles away without being in the same room.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamWhy are my employees freelancing?
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The tale of change: Who moved my cheese?

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It was a long train ride, where I had packed almost ten books; just in case there is a slight chance I would want to read; even though I hadn’t read in a few weeks, but I didn’t want to take any chances. On that day, I decided to give a self-help book a try “who moved my cheese? By Spencer Johnson”

Those self-help books always seemed like a great excuse, I read a book, and my flaws and pitfalls are magically fixed.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamThe tale of change: Who moved my cheese?
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How to keep your employees? (IT ISN’T WHAT YOU THINK!)

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In my previous article about employer branding, I promised that I will talk about a great part of branding, which is employee retention, how an organization keeps its employees.

Whenever I hear the word retention, I think of fishermen standing at the edge of their boat, and throwing a net to catch fish; water surely won’t remain, even if the net becomes wet, secondly small fish may momentarily get caught between the threads, but will eventually fall out, then there are the big fish who will have a hard time wiggling out, and finally huge fish pulling the net and the boat towards the direction they please.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamHow to keep your employees? (IT ISN’T WHAT YOU THINK!)
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How to Answer: What is your biggest weakness?

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The dreaded question, after all you didn’t get all dressed up to talk about your bad qualities. You don’t want to say anything that will eliminate you from the job, at the same time you don’t want to look like you are bragging.

Remember the interviewer is looking for the right person, not a perfect one, they are aware you have weaknesses, but want to know it won’t affect your work.

Here are the most important tips to answer this question;

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamHow to Answer: What is your biggest weakness?
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To 9-to-5, or to not

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I’ve hated the concept of 9-to-5 since childhood, maybe, because of the way I’ve seen it portrayed in the media; the world of blazers and normalcy.

I can’t do well with normal

To me, it defied the adventures I dreamed of, the spontaneity and the sparks of creativity that jumped around in my head.

Clark Kent is just a regular journalist, until he rips open his shirt, then suddenly he is Superman; this incredible SUPERHERO who saves the world; Clark Kent clocks in and out of work, Superman isn’t controlled by time, he is there when someone needs him.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamTo 9-to-5, or to not
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So, you want to work at a startup?

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There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals. –Idowu Koyenikan


I had started my Careery interview as a candidate for a job that I am experienced in, it was going great; I know the tricks and traps, and I have enough information to keep me from looking like a fool.

Then suddenly, the conversation took a turn; we were talking about all different types of fields, ones that I didn’t really have experience in.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamSo, you want to work at a startup?
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ما يجب فعله وتجنبه على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

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ما يجب فعله وتجنبه على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

في مقالنا السابق عن مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ناقشنا تأثيرها على الحياة المهنية للفرد والدور الذي تلعبه في عملية التوظيف. فقد يلائم شخصُ ما وظيفة من جهة الخبرة والمؤهلات العلمية إلا أن سلوكه والانطباع الذي تتركه منشوراته على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي قد يقرر ما إذا توافقت ثقافته مع ثقافة الشركة وبالتالي قد يقرر قبوله أو رفضه. اليوم سوف نناقش الموضوع ذاته  بشكل أكثر عمقاُ ونوضح ما يجب عمله وتجنبه على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي حتى لا يكون لها تأثير سلبي على حياة الفرد المهنية.

CAREERY Content Marketing Teamما يجب فعله وتجنبه على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
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Social Media for Personal Branding

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Social Media for Personal Branding

Dos & Don’ts

In our previous post about social media, we’ve discussed the importance of social profiling and the role social media plays in hiring. We’ve mentioned that while a candidate can be a great technical fit for a position, their social media behavior still decides whether or not they match the company’s culture code and ethics. Today, we shall go deeper and introduce some social media dos and don’ts that can help candidates survive social profiling and give recruiters better impressions about themselves.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamSocial Media for Personal Branding
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