Career & Future Planning

خبير اقتصادي يوضح كيف يمكن للمواهب المصرية أن تصمد أمام الأزمة الاقتصادية في 2017

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في ظل الأزمة الاقتصادية الحالية والموجودة في عده دول يوضح لنا الخبير الإقتصادي عمر الشنيطي كيف يمكن للمواهب المصرية أن تصمد أمام الأزمة الاقتصادية في 2017

من هو عمر الشنيطي:

هو مؤسس مجموعة Multiples، وهي عبارة عن بنك استثماري متخصص مقره دبي، لديه أسهم وأنشطة مصرفية استثمارية تركز على منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. وظل عمر يقوم على نطاق واسع بتحليل المشكلات الاقتصادية الهامة التي تواجه منطقة الشرق الأوسط مع التركيز على مصرو الأزمة الاقتصادية الحالية بها، محاولاً تحليل المشكلات الاقتصادية وطرح تصوراته بشأن تلك المشكلات. يقوم عمر الشنيطي من آن لآخر بنشر مقالات اقتصادية في صحف مختلفة، فضلاً عما ينشره في مدونته الشخصية. وفي هذه المدونة سوف نناقش مع السيد عمر كيف يمكن للمواهب المصرية أن تصمد أمام الأزمة الاقتصادية  في عام 2017.

CAREERY Content Marketing Teamخبير اقتصادي يوضح كيف يمكن للمواهب المصرية أن تصمد أمام الأزمة الاقتصادية في 2017
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An Expert Reveals How Egyptian Talents Can Survive The Economic Crisis in 2017

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How Egyptian Talents Can Survive The Economic Crisis in 2017

Omar El-Shenety is the founder of Multiples Group; a Dubai based boutique investment bank with private equity and investment banking practices, focusing on the MENA region. Also he has been working extensively on analyzing the key economic issues facing the Middle East region with focus on Egypt, trying to analyze economic issues and offering insights. El-Shenety periodically publishes economic articles in different newspapers as well as his personal blog. In this blog we will discus with Mr. Omar how Egyptian talents can Survive the economic crisis in 2017

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamAn Expert Reveals How Egyptian Talents Can Survive The Economic Crisis in 2017
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An Expert Reveals How Arab Talents Can Join LinkedIn Team


The Future of Arab Talents

Welcome Mohamed, we – CAREERY for Talent Services- are super excited to talk with you today.

We are here to engage talent speedily to great business opportunities in this short life!

We aim at reshaping the career & future of talents in the GCC through a lot of initiatives like this

Would love to thank you for this contribution & extreme support.

Mohammed ElwaziryAn Expert Reveals How Arab Talents Can Join LinkedIn Team
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Why your social profile might be destroying your career

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Now social media has invaded everything, including recruitment. That’s why LinkedIn (the professional network) has been the biggest network for recruitment and that made other hiring websites like Wuzzuf in Egypt, Bayt and Monster Gulf in the GCC be few of many leading websites in career advancement & recruitment. There are more than 6.5 Million job listings on LinkedIn in 2016.  [1]

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamWhy your social profile might be destroying your career
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The BIG Question that changes Careery future!

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A big question changes Careery future

All along our journey in careery, we are concerned by asking important questions. One of the most important questions that every business keeps in mind: What makes us stand in the crowd? If we offer the same services as others, what makes us unique?! What is our impact & added value? So we aimed to offer the best services worldwide, pursue a blue-ocean strategy, a cutting edge value that makes us compete internationally.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamThe BIG Question that changes Careery future!
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