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Why recruiters have trouble recruiting!

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“I am gonna make him an offer, he can’t refuse.” Marlon Brando, the Godfather… and recruiters.


Picture it, you are looking for someone to fill a position at your organization, almost everyone is job hunting, easy, right? Wrong. Here are the 5 main reasons why.


Applicants who don’t read the requirements

That isn’t the recruiter’s fault, but I feel it is worth mentioning. Especially in countries where unemployment is high.

When there are jobs posts on websites, social media, or even newspapers and magazines, many people send in their resumes; even if the job is different from what they do.

Those extra resumes waste a lot of time for the recruiters and the company, time that could be used on qualified applicants.

It also leads to a long interview process, so recruiters can make sure they made the right choice, unfortunately, that also drives away the ones they want.


Youth vs. age

Changes in technology and the market, widened the gap between millennials/gen-z kids (Youth), and gen-xers (born 1960s to early 1980s).

This could make both sides feel isolated.

Both have something to offer, millennials and Gen-Z kids are full of innovation, passion, and knowledge of the latest trends and technologies, on the other hand, Gen-xers offer experience, capability, and leadership

Of course, there are many young talents who play ‘by the rules’, have experience, and leadership skills, there are also older workers who don’t have much experience, and who are creative eager learners.

So how to overcome that issue?

Weigh pros against cons, decide on the qualifications you need, encourage respect and understanding from both sides, they need and could learn from one another.


Miscommunication between recruiters and hiring managers

The relationship between recruiters and hiring managers hardly sees eye to eye, even though they share a common interest; finding the perfect candidate.

An ICIS study has shown that though 80% of recruiters think they have a high/very high understanding for the jobs they are recruiting, 61% of hiring managers stated the recruiters have a low/moderate understanding.

Hiring managers have great knowledge on the needs and goals of the organization, while recruiters have better understanding of the talent market.

There should be communication between recruiters and HMs, before, during and after the recruiting process.

This will give the recruiter a clear plan of who the candidate is, and how to appeal to them.

“I can confidently say nobody is a true expert; we always have room to learn. There is always a manager who is new to hiring or a recruiter supporting a role that’s never come across their desk. Mutual support is vital, and this extends to setting the right expectations. “ Tallin Tufankjian Semerjian


That old comparison.

I won’t compare recruitment to marketing or sales…

I won’t compare them…

I won’t!

That comparison is overused and controversial, and I won’t fall into that pit-hole.

Let’s break down some of the things that recruiters do.

They research the market and the industry, analyzing their data.

They bring in candidates. Through ads, social media platforms, emails… etc.

They promote the benefits of working for their company, instead of the competition.

They close the deal.

See, it’s nothing like… Wait!

When people think of recruiting as a shallow, one-way process, business suffers. Recruiting involves researching, strategies, competing, and convincing.

Recruiters who approach their job as just an application, interview and a contract, might hit dead-ends and hire unqualified employees.


Being open and friendly

I have seen this first hand, and it is related to the point above. I went to an interview, excited to start a new challenge, only to meet a disappointment.

The interviewer spoke in a monotone, didn’t allow room for a two-way conversation, stayed serious, and didn’t advertise for the job.

I left that interview with the decision that I will not come back for a second one.

Being open and friendly doesn’t equal unprofessionalism.

Actually, it is unprofessional to turn away potential; keeping an open line with every one you meet is important.

After all, you may need them tomorrow.

CAREERY Content Marketing TeamWhy recruiters have trouble recruiting!